A contribution to the Journal U N DE R date of May 21, 1945, the locate between 25 and 300 mc. (mega-Federal Communications Commis-cycles) for the mobile service of the sion issued a report of proposed alloca-utilities. Committee 4 further pointed tions in the range below 25,000kc. out that the 20 channels allocated were (kilocyles) and under date of May 25, required to be shared by the power 1945, a report of allocations in the utilities, petroleum industries and cerrange of from 50,000 to 30,000,000 kc. tain other industries and utilities. TheThe points to be stressed in connec-original request of the power utilities tion with the present status of emer-was for a total of 36 channels for the gency radio communication develop-mobile services in the 30-300-mc. ment are: range, and the petroleum industries 1. The new frequency allocations requested a total of sixteen channels embody provisions for water works in this range, making a combined total emergency radio communications seruof 52 channels requested by these two ice.. industries. It was urged at the oral 2. The water works industry as an argument that, while the power utiliindustry should be prepared to make ties have no objection to sharing the use of its reasonable share of the chanfrequencies, there are certain important nels provided for the so-called "power areas where geographical separation of utility" group.the power and petroleum industries 3. Individual water works departdoes not exist and that therefore it ments and companies should "bluewould be difficult, if not impossible, print now" an emergency radio comfor the commission to provide for the munication system which will, under radio needs of both industries in these every foreseeable emergency, provide areas on the 20 channels proposed by the essential communication facilities the commission in the 3D-300-mc. which their particular system may rerange. quire."In view of the foregoing, the com-Portions of the section of the FCC mission has made some changes in the report on "Special Services" (which allocations for the electric, gas, water apply to the water and other utilities) and steam utilities. In the 25-30-mc. and of the commission's "News Re-band, twelve channels with a channel lease" of May 17, 1945, are reproduced width of 25 kc. are provided for. In herewith.the 30-40-mc. range, provision is made "Committee 4 of Radio Technical for seven channels with a width of 40 Planning Board, Panel 13, objected to kc. In the 104-108-mc. band, six the small number of channels (20) channels with a width of 50 kc. are alwhich the commission proposed to al-located. In the 152-162-mc. range, 638