We provide the definition of the complete set of light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) for the ground state heavy bottom baryons with the spin-parities J P = 1/2 + and J P = 3/2 + in the heavy quark limit. We present the renormalization effects on the twist-2 light-cone distribution amplitudes and use the QCD sum rules to compute the moments of twist-2, twist-3, and twist-4 LCDAs. Simple models for the heavy baryon distribution amplitudes are analyzed with account of their scale dependence.
IntroductionPrecision tests of the unitarity of the quark mixing matrix remain high on the agenda of flavor physics. They allow to pin down the Standard Model (SM) description of CP-violation and may reveal physics beyond the SM (BSM). On the experimental side, the two B-meson factories at SLAC and KEK, after approximately a decade of their operation, have made a great impact on the origin of CP-violation in the quark sector of the SM. Especially in b physics, the B-factory experiments BABAR and BELLE have concentrated on the production and decays of the bb resonances, Υ (4S) and Υ (5S), yielding precise measurements of their decay products, the B-and theB-mesons. Theoretically, inclusive decays of the B-mesons, such as the radiative and semileptonic decays, are under quantitative control, thanks to the use of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET), allowing an expansion in the inverse b-quark mass, with perturbative QCD allowing to calculate corrections in α s (m b ) to each order in 1/m b . Exclusive semileptonic and radiative decays require, on the other hand, a precise knowledge of the non-perturbative quantities -the decay form factors -to be analyzed precisely. However, also in such cases, the large energy released in the B → hX decays, where h is a light meson and X = γ, + − , ± ν , allows to relate several of these form factors. The resulting large energy effective theory (LEET), which has been replaced by a more systematic effective theory, the Soft