Supporting informationfor this articleisa vailable on the WWW under It contains complete details of the syntheses and characterization of compounds 1-5, 7,a nd 8,and complexes 9a-e, 10, 11 a-c, 13 a, 14 a-c, 15 a-c, 16 a, 16 b, 17 a, 17 b, and 18;crystallographic studies of 9c-e, 11 a, 12',and 12'';electrochemical studies of all new complexes;s pectroelectrochemical studies of 14 a-14 c;s ingle-wavelength nonlinear optical studies of 15 a-c, 16 b, 17 a, 17 b,and 18;and broad-spectral-range nonlinearo pticals tudies of 9d, 9e, 14 a-c,and 18.Part of aS pecialI ssue to celebrate Singapore'sG olden Jubilee. To view the complete issue,visit:http://dx.Scheme1.Syntheseso fa cetylenes 5 and 8.Scheme6.Syntheses of ene-linkage-containing "wedge" complexes 17 a and 17 b.[Ru] = trans-[Ru{k 2 -PPh 2 (CH 2 ) n Ph 2 } 2 ][ n = 1( dppm),2(dppe)].