probably better. The static is a first-class tonic on the general nervous system, and local applications over the heart region may also be given through the static effiuve or breeze. Deep applications of the X rays on the thyroid gland may also be very useful, and especially on those men with hypertrophied thyroid (25 per cent. out of the total). Dr. Florence Stoney has described this treatment, and has obtained good results. X rays are certainly one of the best treatments we have now for exophthalmic goitre.Tachycardia, excessive sweating, and nervous uneasiness are the symptoms which are the most quickly and completely removed. Here are the results we have obtained after an average of two months' treatment. Out of those 60 men, 14 were quite fit and returned to their unit; four others are fit and will return shortly; others are on full physical training and will be fit in a short time ; over a third, or 35 per cent., will be able to return to the firing-line. From 10 to 15 per cent. have to be discharged ; the other 50 per cent. of the men have improved and may be able for home service, Those first results are very encouraging, and in the summer months I think we can do better. Out-door life is easier; gardening, open-air games like bowling, quoits, rowing and swimming, may hasten the cure, while X ray treatment, static electricity, and also hydrotherapy will greatly augment our percentage of recoveries.
MAJOR, AUSTRALIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPSEARLY in 1914 I became acquainted with the fact that picric acid was four times more potent than carbolic acid in bactericidal properties, and from investigation found that a 1 per cent. solution kills streptococci and staphylococci in two minutes.During the Gallipoli campaign, as Officer Commanding No. 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital in Egypt, an opportunity presented itself practically to test the value of picric acid in the treatment of over 3000 wounded patients. The medical officers and nursing staff carried out the following routine treatment as far as practicable. 1. To superficial wounds 1 per cent. picric acid solution was applied on thin gauze. The wound was thus left practically exposed to the air; usually one dressing per day was sufficient. 2. Suppurating sinuses were treated by syringing with 0-5 to 1 per cent. of the solution twice daily, and H20J solution used every two or three days to remove debris. 3. Arm and leg baths with 0 5 per cent. solution for 30 minutes were used for suppurating fractures and crushed tissues, with an occasional bath of hypertonic saline as a change.The results were uniformly good, healthy and vigorous granulation and quick recovery taking place. Several cases of septic compound fracture and injuries to bone cleared up in a remarkably short time. Deep septic wounds caused by shrapnel, &c., granulated and were ready for skin-grafting likewise.It must be noted, however, that we found 1 per cent. solution too strong for the delicate epithelium of new skin, and weaker solutions, 0'5 per cent. and 0'2 per cent., were used when the granula...