Ullivemity of s%o Paul0 S3oCarlos(SP) Brazil s%o Carlos (SP) Brazil CQ~@Sel.eesC.sC.~.sp.br
cnstma@sel.eesc.sc.usp.brAbsfracr-The quality of eleeMc power has been a constant topic of study, mainly because inherent problems to it can briag great economic losses, mainly in industrial processes. Among the various factors that affkt power quality, those related to the transients originated fkam apadtor bank switching in the primary distribution systems must be highlighted. In this work, the characteristics of the transients mdting from the switching of the uWty apadbr banks are analyzed, as well as factors that influence their intensities. The conditions under which these effects vc mitigated can then be investigated. In additloa, a spectral analysis of the current and voltage waves is made. Thia procedure an m e a l the harmonic components which an affect the operation of control aad protection equipment, U well U sensitive loads of the industry. A circuit that represents a red distribution system, 13.8 kV, from CPFL, (Cia Paulista de Foqa e L;llza Brszllirn utility) was simulated through the software ATP (Alternative Transients Program) for purposes of this study. ATP 1 VIIL BIOGRAPHIES Denis V. Coury was born in Araxa, Brazil in 1960. He received a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Eng"g h m the Federal University of ubalandia, Brazil in 1983, a MSc depee Erom the University of Sa0 Paulo, Brazil in 1986 and a Ph.D. degree fhm Bath University, England in 1992. He worked for the Technological Research Institute (ET), Sa0 Paulo, Brazil E-om 1985 to 1986. He joined the Deptmnt of Electrical Engineering, University of Sa0 Paulo, Sa0 Carlos, Brazil in 1986 where he is presently an research inhest are power system protection as well as new techniques for power system control and protection including the use of Expert Systems and Artificial Neural Networks. Clhudio J d dos Santos Received a BSc. Degree in Electrical enSineering (1 983) from Federal UniverSity of Uberhdia, Brazil. He is currently a M.Sc. student at University of Silo Paulo. He worked in industry until 1986 when he joined CPFL where he is now working in Distribution Planning Engineering and Special Customers' Analysis. H i s neseerch interests include power quality and computer applicatim to distribution system transients and Plasning. Assistant Professor in the Power systems Group. His a r m of Maria C. Tavsreg Holds a Bsc. Degree in Electrical Engineering and a M.%. (1991) fiom COPPE/UFRJ. She is currently a Ph.D. student at Campinas State Univexsity, Sg, Paulo, and is working as a research officer at University of S o Paulo. She worked as a consulting engines w i t h power systems analysis, HVDC studies (developed at Al3B Power Systems, Sweden), development of models at EMTP and electrid transmission planning. She developed DESTRO, a graphical peprocessor for ATP. Her main research interests are power systems analysis, long distance transmission and coolputer application to analysis of power systems transients.(1984) h m UFRJ -Fedaal University Of Rio de J&, Br...