The 1 : 1 reaction between PRC12 (R = C,H, Me,4,6) and (Me,Si)2S in toluene yields (RPS)4 (1) which slowly disproportionates under mild conditions ( 3 5 -4 0 "C, 3 d) to (RPSZ)2 ( 2 ) . Both structures have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Compound (1 ) is monoclinic, space group Cc, with a = 2 299.3( 7), b = 1 167.9(3), c = 1 937.8(6) pm, S = 130.65(2)", and Z = 4; R = 0.050 for 3 209 unique observed reflections. The eight-membered (PS), ring adopts the crown conformation but is disordered. Compound ( 2 ) is monoclinic, space group P2,/c, with a = 890.1 (2), b = 1 845.2( 12), c = 641.3(1) pm, p = 98.74(1)", and 2 = 2; R = 0.062 for 904 unique observed reflections. The four-membered ring with two trans exocyclic sulphurs possesses a crystallographic centre of symmetry.Very few phosphorus-sulphur ring compounds of the type (RPS), are described in the literature: (PhPS)3 has been shown l o 2 to contain a five-membered ring, with one exocyclic P a , and Lappert and co-workers reported a six-membered (Rps)3 ring with R = C6H2But3-2,4,6. In the courw of our study of the reactions of organosilicon and organotin sulphides with phosphorus-halogen bonds, which enable phosphorus sulphides to be prepared under very mild conditions, we have synthesised a compound with the composition (RPS), (1 ; R = C6H2Me3-2,4,6 = mesityl). The molecular ion peak could not be observed in the mass spectrum and the proton-decoupled jlP n.m.r. spectrum showed only a single line, so a crystal structure determination was required to establish the size of the PS ring. On warming a solution of compound (l), white crystals of (RPS2)2 (2; R = C6H2Me3-2,4,6) separated, which were also employed for Xray structure elucidation.
ExperimentalPhosphorus-31 n.m.r. spectra were recorded on a Bruker W P 80 SY Fourier-transform spectrometer with 85% &Po4 as external standard, mass spectra by electronic ionisation (e.i.) and field desorption (f.d.) at 70 eV (1.12 x lo-'' J) on a Varian CH5 spectrometer. Solvents were dried and distilled before use. Elemental analyses were performed by Beller in Gottingen.