þ states, pointing to the oblate, spherical, and prolate nature of the consecutive excitations. In addition, they account for the hindrance of the E2 decay from the prolate 0 þ 4 to the spherical 2 þ 1 state, although overestimating its value. This result makes 66 Ni a unique nuclear system, apart from 236;238 U, in which a retarded γ transition from a 0 þ deformed state to a spherical configuration is observed, resembling a shape-isomerlike behavior. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.162502 The concept of potential energy surface (PES) is central in many areas of physics. Usually, the PES displays the potential energy of the system as a function of its geometry. As an example, the PES of a molecule expressed in such coordinates as bond length, valence angles, etc., can be used for finding the minimum energy shape or calculating chemical reaction rates [1]. The idea of potential energy surface in deformation space has also been widely applied to the nucleus at a given spin. For an even-even nucleus at spin 0, the lowest PES minimum corresponds to the ground state (g.s.), while there may exist additional (secondary) minima in which excited 0 þ states can reside: they can be interpreted as ground states of different shapes [2][3][4][5][6]. When a secondary minimum is separated from the main minimum by a high barrier, in the extreme case a long-lived isomer, called shape isomer, can be formed [7]. Shape isomerism at spin zero, so far, has clearly been observed only in actinide nuclei -these isomers decay mainly by fission, and in two cases only, 236 U and 238 U, by very retarded γ-ray branches [8][9][10][11].The existence of shape isomers in lighter systems has been a matter of debate for a long time. Already in the 1980s, a study based on microscopic Hartree-Fock plus BCS calculations, in which a large number of nuclei was surveyed, identified ten isotopes in which a deformed 0 þ state is separated from a spherical structure by a significantly high barrier:66 Ni and 68 Ni, 190;192 Pt, 206;208;210 Os, and 194;196;214