We have renormalized our previously reported 0' cross sections for resonant transfer excitation followed by Auger decay (RTEA), dnR&sp, (0')/dA obtained in 0.25 -2 Mev/u collisions of F + and 0 + ions with H2 by normalizing to calculated binary encounter electron yields rather than the usual Ne K-Auger yields. The renormalized data are found to be in good agreement with recent angular dependent impulse approximation calculations of RTE, showing the importance of alignment and the small infiuence of interference between RTEA and elastic electron scattering for 0' observation.Resonant transfer excitation~2 (RTE) in energetic ionatom collisions is a correlated two-electron process, mediated by the electron-electron interaction, involving the transfer of a target electron to the projectile with the simultaneous excitation of a projectile electron, giving rise to doubly excited states. The study of RTE has received considerable attention in the last few years, since it can provide direct information on electron correlation phenomena~presently of great interest in atomic physics.Theoretically, RTE has been described within the impulse approximationz (IA) and as viewed from the projectile frame, has been considered2 to be analogous to the time-reversed Auger electron process, in the limit where the loosely bound target electron to be captured can be considered to be free and having the speed of the projectile. In this way, one can relate RTE, an ion-atom collision process, to that of radiationless capture (RC), an ion-electron collision process. 8 Furthermore, the production of the doubly excited intermediate states (d) from the ground state (g) of the ion by an electron can be essentially calculated only from knowledge of the Auger rates (time-reversed d~g ) without any reference to the dynamics of the collision process itself. The most stringent tests, to date, of any RTE calculation, have been supplied by state-selective studies performed using high-resolution Auger electron spectroscopy (RTEA). In these measurements, state-selective differential cross sections (SSDCS), do(8r, )/dQ, are determined by detecting the Auger electrons ejected, at a laboratory angle OL, with respect to the beam direction, upon the decay of the intermediate projectile states (d) formed by RTE. Good absolu/e agreement between theory and experiment is expected since the absolute values of the RTEA SSDCS within the IA, depend only on the various Auger rates. However, since no calcu-lated SSDCS for the expected RTE angular distributions of the ejected electrons have been available, until recently, to/al RTE cross sections were usually obtained from the measured SSDCS by assuming isotronic emission.~" s'~S uch a comparison with total RTE cross sections, assuming isotropic emission, was recently reported by the authors.It was found that the experimentally determined cross sections were larger than the calculated total RTEA cross sections by factors ranging between 2 and 3.3.~7In this communication, we have revised (see below)our previously report...