Crystal and Molecular Structure of (20R)-19-nor-5P,14~-pregnane-3P,14,20-triol 3,20-diacetate Dedicated to Professor Ernst HOHNE on the occasion of his 60th birtlitlaj The title compound (20R)-19-nor-5,8,14,8-pregnane-3P, 14,2O-triol 3,20-diacetatc crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2, with 4 formula imits C,,H,,O, in the unit cell. Thc latticv paratneters are a = 14.324, b = 12.569, c = 12.685 $, ,8 = 90.21'. Tlre c q s t a l structure was tleterniinetl by direct methods and rcfinctl by the least-squares procwlurt* t o the discrepancy factor R = 0.042. Bond leiigth, bond angles, ring c.onforlnations, as well as t h e absolute configmation at C20 were detertriinetl. In the crystal the tnolecules a] c' linked to infinite chains by two hydrogen bonds. Div Titelvc.ihintlring (20R)-19-Nor-5~,14~-pr.egnan-3,8,14,20-trio1-3,20-diac~~tat hlistallisiei t in der tiiotioklinen Raurngruppe P2, rnit 4 Fornieleinheiten C,,H,,O, in tler Elellirntar-/elk. Die Gitterkonstanten sind a = 14,324, b = 12,569, c = 12,685 A, ,8 = 90,211". Dic.Kristallstiuktur wurde init direktcn Methoden gelbst untl iiiit tlcr Methotle tlrr kleitisten Quatlrate his zu eirieni R-Wert von 0,042 verfcinert. Es wurtlen Biiitlungsabsthtidc, Bintliuigswinkel, Kingkonforinationt.n und die absolute Konforination an C20 bestilnliit. 1111 Kiistall sind (lie Molekulc durch zwei ~~asserstoffbriickeii zii nuentlliclicn Kt.1 t <,ti 1 erb l t n~l~n .