Rapidly spreading viral pandemics, such as those caused by influenza and SAR-CoV-2 (COVID19), require rapid action and the fastest way to combat this challenge is by repurposing existing drugs as anti-viral therapeutics. Here we first show that human organ-on-a-chip (Organ Chip) microfluidic culture devices lined by a highly differentiated, primary, human lung airway epithelium cultured under an air-liquid interface and fed by continuous medium flow can be used to model virus entry, replication, strain-dependent virulence, host cytokine production, and recruitment of circulating immune cells in response to infection by influenza, as well as effects of existing and novel therapeutics. These Airway was not certified by peer review) Chips, which contain human lung epithelial cells that express high levels of ACE2 and TMPRSS2, were then used to assess the inhibitory activities of 7 clinically approved drugs (chloroquine, arbidol, toremifene, clomiphene, amodiaquine, verapamil, and amiodarone) that we found inhibit infection by viral pseudoparticles expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in human Huh-7 cells, and others recently showed suppress infection by native SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells. However, when these drugs were administered under flow at the maximal concentration in blood reported in clinical studies in human Airway Chips, only two of these drugs amodiaquine and toremifene significantly inhibited entry of the pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 virus. This work suggests that human Organ Chip technology may be used in conjunction with existing rapid cell-based screening assays to study human disease pathogenesis and expedite drug repurposing in biothreat crises caused by pandemic viruses.
______________________________________________________________________The increasing incidence of potentially pandemic viruses, such as influenza, MERS, SARS, and now SARS-CoV-2, requires development of new preclinical approaches that can accelerate development of effective therapeutics and prophylactics. The most rapid way to confront a pandemic challenge would be to repurpose existing drugs that are approved for other medical applications as anti-viral therapeutics. While clinicians around the world are attempting to do this for the COVID19 pandemic, the current approaches have been haphazard, which have resulted in equivocal results regarding drug efficacies and possible toxicity risks as in the case of chloroquine 1-3 ; thus, there is a great need to attack this problem in a was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.