The multitrait-multrniethod (MTMM) design is often used in test validation research to disentangle problems due to shared method variance. However, MTMM research requires extensive data collection that may be prohibitive in clinical settinp. Furthermore, interpretation of MTMM data can be ambiguous and misleading-In the current article, maximum-likelihood confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is presented as a means for less ambiguous interpretation of complete and incomplete MTMM designs. Confirmatory Factor analysis is applied to four data sets that represent four designs: monotrait-monomethod, multitrait-monomethod, monotrait-multimethod, and multitrait-multimethod. In all four cases, CFA results provided more rigorous support of the original authors' positions and provided valuable supplemental findings as well. Additionally, CFA was applied to an artificial data set. Intuitive interpretations of the artificial data were compared with the results of the CFA. The results showed that the intuitive approach can lead to highly spurious conclusions regarding convergent and discriminant validity.Campbell and Fiske's (1959) multitrait-multirnethod (MTMM) approach provides, perhaps, the best available test of validation research. Ideally, the clinical researcher hopes to make statements about the convergent, discriminant, and, ultimately, the construct validity of the selected measures. In practice, however, two stumbling blocks exist. The first pertains to the feasibility of MTMM data collection, especially in clinical settings. The expense, the time, and the intrusion on both clients and clinical staff may result in more modest data collection (e.g., measuring only one trait with multiple methods or measuring multiple traits with only one method). The second impediment concerns data analysis. Even if a full MTMM correlation matrix is obtained, how should it be analyzed? A variety of data analytic approaches have been advocated.Of course, the first was the visual comparison of zero-order correlations described in Campbell and Fiske's (1959) criteria.Other approaches included use of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) paradigm (originally proposed by Guilford, 1954; subsequently embellished by Stanley, 1961), a nonparametric proximity function (Hubert & Baker, 1978), a partial correlation method (e.g., Schriesheim, 1981), and exploratory factor analysis (e.g., Golding & Sneidman, 1974;Tucker, 1966). More recently, however, maximum-likelihood confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been recommended for use with MTMM matrices (Schmitt & Stults, 1986), And yet, in spite of these ad-1 thank the following people for their valuable comments on preliminary drafts of this article: