This paper is devoted to a detailed study of a p-spins interaction model with external field, including some sharp bounds on the speed of self averaging of the overlap as well as a central limit theorem for its fluctuations, the thermodynamical limit for the free energy and the definition of an Almeida-Thouless type line. Those results show that the external field dominates the tendency to disorder induced by the increasing level of interaction between spins, and our system will share many of its features with the SK model, which is certainly not the case when the external magnetic field vanishes.Observe that we should write I = I(J), I c = I c (J), but we will omit this dependence for sake of readability. Using these sets, we defineProof: This proof is an extension of [9, Proposition 2.4.2], whose details are given for sake of completeness. We havewith κ n = n(n + 1). Note that, for any l ∈ {1, . . . , n},Thuswhere we recall that κ n = n(n + 1). This can be read asThe same kind of computations can be lead for A 1 , integrating first by parts with respect to the variables g I . In this case, we obtainSubstracting A 1 and A 2 , we get the desired result. As a consequence of the last proposition, we can bound ν k,t (f ) by ν k,1 (f ) as follows: 1 2 J∈Q p N,k z J ε l J , n l=1 ν k,t f ε l J ε n+1 J − n+1 l=1 ν k,t f ε l J ε n+1 J + n(n + 1)ν k,t f ε n+1 J ε n+2 J Now, from Lemma 8.4, we obtain easily u 2 N |Q p N,k | ≤ K N , that gives us the desired result.