This study aimed to investigate the expected emotional profiling and overall liking of soursop flavored prebiotic whey beverages subjected to ultrasound processing. For this purpose, four images of products and their related claims were provided for consumers (n = 453) in an online questionnaire: (a) pasteurized soursop flavored whey beverage (PAST), (b) pasteurized soursop flavored prebiotic whey beverage (PREPAST) with a claim, (c) ultrasound soursop flavored whey beverage (US) with a claim, and (d) ultrasound soursop flavored prebiotic whey beverage (PREUS) with a claim. PAST sample received the lowest purchase intent and overall liking scores, and it was associated with negative emotions. PREPAST, US, and PREUS samples received the highest purchase intent and overall liking scores, and they were associated with some positive emotions. Prebiotic addition and its claim contributed with pleasant, secure, mild, and satisfied emotions to the pasteurized product. In contrast, the US evoked adventurous, joyful, docile, and curious emotions. Active, satisfied, interested, enthusiastic, and docile emotions were the drivers of liking for the samples, while pleasant, interested, secure, satisfied, and curious emotions are recommended in a whey beverage with high overall liking. Overall, both the prebiotic claim and the emerging technology showed great receptivity among participants.