I 'tiiuersity o j Cal$'ur,iia, Dacis, C'alij'ortiia 95616
SynopsisThe helictal stability of a variety of DNA samples, raiigiirg iii base composition from 0 to i 2 mole-')b GC, has been studied by heat deriatriration a t neutral pH iii increasing concentrations of LiCI, NaC1, KC1, ( X I , LiSSO,, and K2S0,. The variation of melting temperatiire with average bitbe compositioii, dT,,,/dScc, was found to decrease drastically in the colicelitrated salt media, e.g., from 41°C ill 0.006N LiCl t,o 2Y°C in 3.251 LiCl, and from 39°C: in 0.008J1 T,i+Wi to 18°C iii 1.6Jf I&SOJ. At the same time, the t,hermal trarisit ion is milch more cooperat.ive in the concentrated salt, solutioris than at, low ionic strength. Iiideed, at limiting salt coiicerit ratioiis, the transition breadth seems to reach a miiiimiim valiie irrespective of the compositioiial heterogeneity of the DNA samples. Attempts to correlate the observed decrease of dT,,,'tlXc:~; with predicted changes iii t,he eiii halpg of melt irig, dedriced from a simple theoretical treat,ment, experimental data oii the biiidiiig of cwiiiiterioris aird water t o IINA, and experimental data on thermal deiiaturatiori, were iiiisriccessful. However, the stroiigly reduced composition depeiideiice of the nieltiiig temperatiire can be iuiderstood iri terms of a dest,abilizirig effect of the coilcentrated salt media oii GC-base pairs. It is suggested, t.hough not proven, that the dest abilizcttioii involves t.he displacemelit, of water molecules from the DNA helix.