For a bounded domain Ω ⊂ R 3 with Lipschitz boundary Γ and some relatively open Lipschitz subset Γ t = ∅ of Γ, we prove the existence of some c > 0, such thatholds for all tensor fields in H(Curl; Ω), i.e., for all square-integrable tensor fields T : Ω → R 3×3 with square-integrable generalized rotation Curl T : Ω → R 3×3 , having vanishing restricted tangential trace on Γ t . If Γ t = ∅, (0.1) still holds at least for simply connected Ω and for all tensor fields T ∈ H(Curl; Ω) which are L 2 (Ω)-perpendicular to so(3), i.e., to all skew-symmetric constant tensors. Here, both operations, Curl and tangential trace, are to be understood row-wise. For compatible tensor fields T = ∇v, (0.1) reduces to a non-standard variant of the well known Korn's first inequality in R 3 , namelyfor all vector fields v ∈ H 1 (Ω, R 3 ), for which ∇v n , n = 1, . . . , 3, are normal at Γ t . On the other hand, identifying vector fields v ∈ H 1 (Ω, R 3 ) (having the proper boundary conditions) with skew-symmetric tensor fields T , (0.1) turns to Poincaré's inequalityTherefore, (0.1) may be viewed as a natural common generalization of Korn's first and Poincaré's inequality. From another point of view, (0.1) states that one can omit compatibility of the tensor field T at the expense of measuring the deviation from compatibility through Curl T . Decisive tools for this unexpected estimate are the classical Korn's first inequality, Helmholtz decompositions for mixed boundary conditions and the Maxwell estimate.