Poverty often impedes economic development in numerous countries, Indonesia included. Poverty, as a result of the failure of economic development, must continue to be suppressed and a solution sought, so that poverty no longer causes adverse effects for the country. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of unemployment, minimum wage, and real gross regional domestic product (GRDP) on poverty reduction in the provinces of Indonesia. Using periodic data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik-BPS) over the period 2010-2019, the fixed effect model of the panel data analysis is estimated. The result showed that unemployment and wage had a significant positive effect on poverty in provinces of Indonesia. Meanwhile, the real GRDP had a significant negative effect on poverty in Indonesia. Thus, government policy must focus on reducing unemployment, maintaining price stability to preserve wage levels and purchasing power, and increasing the real GRDP to reduce poverty in Indonesia. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature in the field of human resource economics, particularly on the issue of poverty reduction. This study is one of the few studies that uses panel data and estimation using the fixed effect model on provinces in a country experiencing issues relating to poverty.
This study intends to determine effect ofspillover regional to PDRB in Yogyakarta form the year 1996 to .2010. Yogyakarta has a very distinctive characteristics compared to other regions with the relatively low economic growth. As many as 15 years time series data used in this research that are consisted coninvestment, employment. Another data are number ofeconomic data representing the industrial area variables, such as PDRB data of Klaten, Purworejo, Wonogiri, and Magelang Regeny which represents spillover regional.The model is estimated using OLS (ordinary least squares).The results of the analysis of regional economic variables shows that the labor quantity is a significantly positive to PDRB of Yogyakarta, while investment and the number of industrial-are not significantly affect PDRB, The investment variable in PMA and PMDN data, turn out these investment flows occur in many activities that do not impact on the PDRB. While from the spillover ofregional variables, it shows that only regencies that have similar economic characteristics that significantly influence the PDRB ofYogyakarta. Kata kunci : Regional spillover, PDRB
The development of sharia banking in Indonesia makes the need for competent human resources continues to increase. It is an opportunity for vocational high schools (SMK) to produce graduates with sharia banking competencies, such as SMK Muhammadiyah Dukun in Magelang. However, the relatively new sharia banking department is one of the obstacles to producing competent graduates. SMK has problems in the competence of teachers and learning facilities. This service carries out several activities to deal with these problems, organizing basic training in sharia banking, carrying out practical field activities (in collaboration with practitioners and the sharia finance industry), internships in sharia financial institutions, create modules for teaching materials for the teaching and learning process) and assist in solving competency test case questions. The output of this activity is the availability of modules and certified teachers by the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), which are indicators of mastery of related competencies.
This research aims to know the relationship between the level of public education on literacy about cash waqf and the decision to cash waqf. The method used in this study is a quantitative research method, with 138 respondents. The analysis technique used in this study was carried out using descriptive statistical data analysis techniques (path analysis). This study's results indicate a direct positive effect between education level on the decision to cash waqf and a positive indirect effect between education level on the decision to cash waqf with the literacy variable for cash waqf as an intervening variable.
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh diversifikasi pembiayaan dengan beberapa kontrol variabel baik variabel internal bank maupun variabel eksternal terhadap NPF BPRS di Indonesia. Faktor internal terdiri dari aset, CAR, pembiayaan, efisiensi operasi, sedangkan variabel eksternal adalah kondisi ekonomi makro yaitu output domestik dan tingkat inflasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series, bulan Januari 2010 sampai Desember 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL). Berdasarkan hasil uji kointegrasi terdapat hubungan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa diversifikasi menyebabkan NPF yang tinggi. Selain itu, peningkatan CAR dan Inflasi menyebabkan meningkatkan NPF pada BPRS di Indonesia. Pembiayaan yang diproksi dengan rasio pembiayaan terhadap total aset menunjukkan pengaruh yang negatif terhadap NPF. Implikasi bagi BPRS yakni BPRS diharapkan lebih pada konsentrasi pembiayaan pada sektor tertentu karena akan mengurangi risiko pembiayaan bermasalah pada BPRS. selain itu BPRS dalam melakukan pembiayaan perlu menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian agar dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas dan mengurangi pembiayaan bermasalah. kemudian bagi pemerintah diharapkan terus menjaga kondisi ekonomi sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko pembiayaan bermasalah. Kata Kunci: NPF, Diversifikasi, Pembiayaan, Inflasi, ARDL. ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the effect of financing diversification with some variable controls on both internal bank variables and external variables to NPF of BPRS in Indonesia. Internal factors consist of assets, CAR, financing, operating efficiency. While external variables are macroeconomic conditions, i.e., domestic output and inflation rate. This study uses time-series data, from January 2010 to December 2019. The study used the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) method. Based on the cointegration test results, this study has a long-term relationship. This research shows that diversification leads to high NPF. In addition, the increase in CAR and Inflation led to an increase in NPF of BPRS in Indonesia. Projected financing with a ratio of financing to total assets negatively influences NPF. The implication for BPRS is that BPRS should focus on financing in specific segments because it will reduce the risk of non-performing financing. BPRS also needs to apply the prudential principle to increase profitability and reduce non-performing financing. In addition, the government must also maintain a stable economic condition to reduce the risk of non-performing financing. Keywords: NPF, Diversification, Financing, Inflation, ARDL. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abidin, Z., Rumbaf, A. S., Iqbal, M., & Prabantarikso, R. M. (2020). Determinants of credit risk diversification in Indonesian banking industry. 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