The contemporary geopolitical situation is dynamically transforming the international relations due to the keen struggle for resources and markets, as well as the ambitions of a number of states to bolster their influence on world politics, including the use of military power.The world's leading powers and Russia do not rule out the use of armed forces (AF) to ensure their security and protection of national interests [1-3], trying to improve their military strength and military potential [4,5], which are largely determined by the condition of the military economy [6-9] and the defense-industrial complex (DIC) [10,11] and by their ability to produce modern weapons and combat equipment (WCE) [12].Taking into account the above trends, as well as Russia's geopolitical position and national interests, the characteristics of the modern structure of the Russian economy, and the DIC's present condition and prospects for development, the problems of forecasting the DIC's development become increasingly important for Russia. However, so far there has been no proper conceptual support for the development of the DIC as the most crucial component of the national economy, that is, a concept of the development of the DIC as a specific sector of the economy, which is simultaneously to ensure the country's defense, improve the technological level of its economic development, yield export incomes, and solve many social problems. There is neither a single methodology that would consistently embrace all stages of the DIC's strategic control and forecasting.The above predetermines the topicality of research into an economic-mathematical concept and tools for the Russian DIC's strategic control and forecasting. To achieve this goal, the following main objectives should be attained: to conduct the systems analysis of the Russian DIC's conditions and functional mechanism; to define the essence and content of the DIC's strategic control; to structure the knowledge about the Russian DIC, and to design a system of models and conduct their structural analysis; and to construct the scenario forecasts of the DIC's strategic development.The DIC's strategic control concept. Analysis of the available approaches to strategic control allows us to construct a system of notions that reveal its essence (Fig. 1).Note that the definition of strategic goals and strategic design are implemented with regard to not only the DIC itself but also its environment (geopolitical, socioeconomic, etc.).It is justifiable to define the DIC as a totality of enterprises and organizations whose output is to meet the country's military needs and exports. Owing to its close interrelations with all vital spheres of the country, the DIC is a complex semistructured system with a number of qualities, such as uniqueness, poor formalizability, uncertainty, inability of full description, dynamism, etc. At the same time, the environment in which the DIC functions is increasingly changing, and arising situations are practically unpredictable and have no analogs in the past. Ther...