The article describes methods to intensify the processes of biodegradation. The results of the investigations of waste biodegradation process modeling of waste and the intensification of these processes are given. Generalized mathematical model of emission of biogas at the landfill is developed and methods of process intensification in the body of the landfill are proved. As a result of research, microbiological and biochemical processes in the body of the landfill are analyzed, the main factors affecting the intensity of the processes are revealed and their impact is analyzed. It was concluded that the landfill is a biochemical reactor, where interrelated heat and mass transfer processes occur in the dense bed through which the gas is filtered and internal sources of heat. It was developed a complete mathematical model allowing estimating based on the equations of material and heat balances, the rate of biogas reactor. A model and calculation method for the analysis of heat and mass transfer processes in a dense bed with internal heat sources and to calculate the emission of biogas at design and operation of the landfill-reactor were given. Possible ways of intensifying the process of biodegradation in the reactor were revealed on the basis of analysis of the equations of the mathematical model describing the process in the reactor and the theory of microbiological processes of this class.
14. Дѐмин, Д. А. Нечеткая кластеризация в задаче построения моделей «состав-свойство» по данным пассивного эксперимента в условиях неопределѐнности [Текст] / Д. А. Дѐмин // Проблемы машиностроения.-2013.-№ 6.-С. 15-23.