We know also that out of :3,000 union surgeons more than twothirds did not make any return to the Convention; and how, and why, was this, may properly be asked?Two reasons miay be adduced for this anomalous state :-one has often been touched and dwelt upon, and it is that many medical officers fear to incur the displeasure of the guardians, and thereby run the risk of losing their appointments. There is great truth in this, and greater still, that many cannot afford to lose their offices and to corntend against opponents whose principal object is to get into private practice. Another reasona, and onie that has been entirely overlooked, is, that a very large number-perhaps a majority-of the poor-law medical officers do not possess the "ddouble qualification" required by the regulations of the Poor-Law Board, and these look upon all agitation with some degree of lukewarmness and misgiving.They care not to make their voices heard so long as they are deemed disqualified by the poor-law authorities, and yet they are members of the same noble and learned profession, and have in all respects received the education of gentlemen. Many of these medical officers have been in office since the poor-laws came into operation, but now their tenure of office is by no means secure; and as one of this class, I emphatically declare that we ought to be placed upon an equal footing, and then the unanimity, goodwill, and exertions, of all our brethren may be confidently reckoned upon in any petitions to the Poor-Law Board or the House of Commons.Until this change in the position of a very large number of our brethren be made, I am convinced that all our efforts to obtain redress of grievances will prove abortive. When we have put ourselves right in the manner I have indicated, the plan for future proceedings may be conducted in precisely the same way as that adopted on a recent occasion by our Association; viz., by " Voting papers" sent to every union medical officer in England and Wales for his signature. This plan was ably advocated in the last number of the JOURNAL, by Mr. Nicholas, of Wandsworth.