Abstract. We prove generalized Fefferman-Stein type theorems on sharp functions with Ap weights in spaces of homogeneous type with either finite or infinite underlying measure. We then apply these results to establish mixednorm weighted Lp-estimates for elliptic and parabolic equations/systems with (partially) BMO coefficients in regular or irregular domains.
IntroductionThe objective of this paper is two-fold. The first is to present a few generalized versions of the Fefferman-Stein theorem on sharp functions. One of our main theorems in this direction proveswhere (X , µ) is a space of homogeneous type, w is a Muckenhoupt weight, f # dy is the sharp function of f using a dyadic filtration of partitions of X , and L p,q (X , w dµ) is a mixed norm. A space X of homogeneous type is equipped with a quasi-distance and a doubling measure µ. A brief description of spaces of homogeneous type is given in Section 2. For more discussions, see [45,44,11]. If X is the product of two spaces (X 1 , µ 1 ) and (X 2 , µ 2 ) of homogeneous type, w = w 1 (x ′ )w 2 (x ′′ ), and µ(x) = µ 1 (x ′ )µ 2 (x ′′ ), where x ′ ∈ X 1 and x ′′ ∈ X 2 , then the L p,q (X , w dµ) norm is defined asSee (2.13) for a precise definition of the mixed norm. If X is the Euclidean space R d , µ is the Lebesgue measure on R d , w ≡ 1, and p = q, the inequality (1.1) is the celebrated Fefferman-Stein theorem on sharp functions. See, for instance, [26,49], where the measure of the underlying space is clearly infinite. Here we deal with both the cases of a finite measure µ(X ) < ∞ and an infinite measure µ(X ) = ∞. We also present a different form of the Fefferman-Stein theorem. See Theorems 2.3 and 2.4 and Corollaries 2.6 and 2.7.The second objective, which is in fact a motivation of writing this paper, is to apply the generalized versions of the Fefferman-Stein theorem to establishing 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35R05, 42B37, 35B45, 35K25, 35J48. Key words and phrases. sharp/maximal functions, elliptic and parabolic equations, weighted Sobolev spaces, measurable coefficients.H.