Increase of electromagnetic radiations level in the human environment is connected with the accelerated rates of information and communication development. At the same time, ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes of the irradiated persons to the adaptive response in long date after radiation allows to consider them as a biological marker of a functional status of these cells. The quantity of DNA single-strand breaks in peripheral blood lymphocytes affected by various physical factors: the microwave oven - gamma and laser radiation, and after lymphocytes incubating in the environment containing silver nanoparticles was defined by means of fluorescent spectroscopy. It is shown that with increase in microwave radiation frequency DNA quantity in lymphocytes increases in comparison with control samples: under the influence of radiation with a frequency of 3,5 GHz at 32,3 ± 0,9 %, with a frequency of 50 GHz at 40,1 ± 1,1 %, with a frequency of 70 GHz at 49,8 ± 0,7 %. Affection of 137Cs gamma rays preparation with 0,104 MBK activity induces dose-related increase of DNA single-strand breaks. Quantity increase of DNA single-strand breaks is observed after laser irradiation at the wavelength of 510,6 nm to 18,1 ± 0,7 % (irradiation time - 3 min) and to 6,1 ± 0,5 % (irradiation time -5 min), at the wavelength of 578,2 nm to 18,1 ± 0,7 % (irradiation time - 3 min) and to 22,3 ± 0,9 % (irradiation time - 5 min). DNA single-strand breaks quantity measurements after lymphocytes incubation in the normal saline containing silver nanoparticles showed that in the studied range of silver nanoparticles concentration with the diameter of 12 nm ± 10%(1,863 - 0,621 mkg/l) occur structural failure of DNA molecules. On the basis of the obtained data the conclusion has been made that DNA single-strand breaks count in the immune competent cells can become a tool for research of physical factors influence on a human body.