1553Thermodynamics of depolymerization of biotechnological poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] with formation of (R,R,R)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,5,9-trioxadodeca-2,6,lO-trione and of its polymerization with ring-opening to highly isotactic poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] from 0 to 500 K at standard pressure Boris K Lebedev: Tat'yana A.
SUMMARY:In adiabatic vacuum and dynamic calorimeters the temperature dependence of the heat capacity c", of (R,R,R-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,5,9-trioxadodeca-2,6,lO-trione (a twelve-membered cyclic trilactone), biotechnological poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] and highly isotactic poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] was studied between 5 K and 500 K; temperatures and enthalpies of melting of the above mentioned substances were measured. In a calorimeter with a static bomb and an isothermal shield the energy of combustion of the same substances was measured. From the results the thermodynamic functions q
( T ) , P ( T ) -@(O), So(T), Go(T) -P ( 0 ) were calculated in the range of 0 K to 500 K and thermochemical parameters A e o m b , A@, AS?, AG? were estimated at T = 298,15 K and standard pressure. The thermodynamic parameters of depolymerization of the biotechnological polymer to the 12-membered trilactone APdepol, Agepol, AGOdepo, and of the polymerization of the monomer formed in the highly isotactic poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] APpOl, ASO,,,, AGO,,, were calculated for 0 K to 500 K.