Wireless sensor networks are associated with risk due to the threats of security vulnerabilities. In this context, we propose a scheme, which uses random key distribution based Artificial Immune System (AIS) for detecting spoofing attacks. The prospective method is for clustered sensor networks and as an example, the algorithm is executed on LEACH protocol. The simulation results prove that the design is energy efficient than the other widely used cryptographic methods while providing robust security in the network.
Index Terms-ArtificialImmune System, cryptography, LEACH protocol, clustered sensor networks This packet consists of the details regarding randomly picked keys by the node and the trailer. K1 K2 CRITICAL INFO k Where, K1, K2 keys randomly picked by the node for communication with its CH. CRITICAL INFO consists of various fields including, preamble, sync bits, destination address, type, group identity, length of message, counter for message sent, source address, error checking bits, payload. k prime number picked by the node for communication with CH, which are the trailer bytes iv) Packet sent from CH to the BS W1 W2 CRITICAL INFO m Where, W1, W2 keys randomly picked by the CH for communication with its node. CRITICAL INFOconsists of various fields including, preamble, sync bits, destination address, type, group identity, length of message, counter for message sent, source address, error checking bits, payload containing aggregated data from one or more ordinary nodes. m prime number picked by the CH for communication with the BS, which are the trailer bytes.