Using the symbolic method of homogeneous solutions, we study problems of steady vibrations of isotropic plates. On the planar faces of the plate we state various kinds of homogeneous boundary conditions. We obtain the homogeneous solutions of the equations of motion and construct the dispersion equations. We carry out numerical analyses of the dispersion equations for a plate with clamped and planar faces. Four figures. Bibliography: 8 titles.We consider an isotropic plate bounded by two parallel planes F + and F-at a distance 2h from each other and a series of cylindrical surfaces at (1 = 0, N) with generators perpendicular to the planes F + and F-. The plate is deformed by external forces that vary harmonically in time and act on the surfaces at. The stresses and displacements, or some combination of them are prescribed on the planar faces F + and F-.Solving this problem reduces to integrating the equations of motion in displacements under prescribed boundary conditions. In the dimensionless coordinate system xi (i = 1, 2, 3) we have [1; 2]: A2U + UlA2graddiv U = 0;(1) (Ti3(X1,X2,-4-1) =0 (i~---1,2,3);(2) u~(~l,~, +1) =0;(3) U3(xl,x2,4-1) =0, O'j3(Xl,X2,'+'I) =0 (j = 1,2), Uj(xl,x2,q_l) =0, ff33(Xl,X2,_l) =0; (4) O'i3(X1,X2,-1) ----O, Vi(Xl,X2,-1) = O, Here a~3(xl, z2, +1) = O, Ui(Xl, x2, +1) :--O, aiz(zl, x2, +1) = O, Ui(xl, z2, +1) = 0, U3(zl, z2, -1) = O, U3(Xl, x2, -1) = O, Uj(Xl, x2, -1) = O, Uj(xl,x2,-1) =0, aja(zl, z2, -1) = O, o'j3(Xl, x2, -1) : O, 0"33(Xl, x2, -1) = O, 033(Xl, x2, -1) : O, (5) U3(Zl, z2, +1) = O, ,rj3(Zl, x2, +1) = o, 0"33(Xl, X2,--1) = O, Uj(xl,x2,-1 ) -: O; anln=O = fl(s, x3); ~nSln=O = f2(s, x3); an3in=O = f3(s,x3). (6) 2 = h2w2c~-2; n and s are the natural coordinates associated with the directrix of the cylindrical surface az; a) is the frequency of vibrations; cl and c2 are the velocities of transverse and longitudinal waves, respectively; and fi(s, x3) are given functions. The rest of the notation is as in [2]. Using A. I. Lur'e's symbolic method [3] and applying the Laplace transform on the variable x3, we obtain the general integral of the system (1): Vj(