Although most of the known naturally occurring steroids are nonbenzenoid, the total synthesis of this type has not yet been accomplished. It should be possible to build up a large variety of such compounds by means of successive Diels-Alder diene additions. The Diels-Alder reaction has the great advantage that it always proceed^stereoselectively to give polycyclic compounds with cis configuration at the ring junctions, and furthermore two successive additions lead exclusively to one of the possible cis,cis isomers (1). Dane and collaborators (2) have employed this reaction for the synthesis of steroids containing one benzene ring, and Cook and Lawrence (3), Meggy and Robinson (4), Butz (5), Goldberg, and Müller (6), and others have reported applications of the reaction which might be extended to the synthesis of steroids.We have explored some of the possibilities making use of compounds which contain an open chain of six carbon atoms as the basis of the synthesis. From these, the angular tetracyclic skeleton of the steroids might be built up by successive diene additions according to the schemes in diagrams A, B, and C, in which the broken lines represent new carbon-tocarbon links. 1,3,5-Hexatriene, 1,3-hexadien-5-yne, 1,5-hexadien-3-yne, and their derivatives would be examples of six-carbon chains potentially capable of adding successively two molecules of dienophile.3 We have found that both 1,3,5-hexatriene and 2,5-dimethyl-l, 5-hexadien-3-yne form adducts of interest in this connection. This paper will present only the results obtained with hexatriene and a single dienophile, 1,4-naphthoquinone.