Abstract. The problem of formation possibility nanotubular structures is actively discussed now. We considered the fragments of single-wall boron nanotubes (n, n) (n=4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12). Calculations were carried out by IB-CCC method [1]. The analysis of band-gap showed that all of them are semiconductors. Energy of deformation decreases with increase of the diameter of B-tubes (n, n). We considered the B-nanotubes (n, 0) (n=4, 5, 6, 8, 12). In this case deformation energy is increases with increase of the diameter of tubes (n, 0). Calculations of boron tube (6, 6) which contained various defects of structure were obtained by the semiempirical MNDO scheme. We research substitution imperfection of B atom by atom C, ions + , -. We found out substitution energy of defects and its energy level. We studied the B-tube with atomic vacancy and determined the energy of defect activation and the relative portion of vacancies.At the moment active search of new surface structures capable of effective adsorption of different gases is being carried out. We have investigated an binding opportunity between the H, F, O, Cl atoms and the outer surface of B-nanotube (6,6) and have studied the mechanism of this process. The calculations are carried out with the use of quantum chemical MNDO scheme. Regular hydrogenation of boron nanotubes was investigated. We can confirm that generation of gas-phase hydrogen composite materials based on boron nanotube is possible.
Semiempirical investigation of boron nanotubes and some structuremodification composites on its baseLast decades the boron became a very important element. Boron and its chemical compounds started to be used in nuclear energy and rocket technology, metallurgy, chemical industry and in the other fields. Now many scientists and tens scientific laboratories study boron and its chemical compounds. It was found out that boric atoms are able to form not only ionic bonds. Boron atoms can bind chains, frame, net and ets [2][3][4]. However, it is not known much about a boron till now. Nevertheless, boron is the most important element in current technology.The quantity of modification of an elementary boron is not known yet. Therefore, investigation of boron possible configuration is very actual at the present time.