ABSTRACT. Biological developrnent of Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet) Karnensky (Nematoda, Metastrongylidae) in Subulina octona Bruguiere (Mollusca, Subulinidae) in laboratory conditions. With the purpose of investigating the biological aspects of Angiostrongy/us vasorum (Baillet, 1866) Kamensky, 1905 in Subu/ina octona Bruguiere, 1789 experimental infections were carried out with the exposure of 90 adult molluscs to 155 LI ofthe parasite/mollusc during 24 hours. The intramolluscan larval development was checked out daily through the chemical digestion offour infected molluscs and one molluscs from the control group dW'ing 21 days after infection. Until the 6 th day post-infection, only LI ofthe parasite has been observed.On the 7 th day; the presence of L2 was detected and from the 13 th day on, L3 of A.vasorum also appeared. By means of larval morphometry, it has been observed that, LI had na average size of335 x 14,5 um whereas L2 had an average size of440,7 x 33,9 um on the i h day ofter infection, reaching a, aximal diameter of 41,8 um on the 12 th day after infections. The L3 had an average size of 472,4 x 38,7 um on the 13 th day day and on the 21 st day after infection the measure was 551 ,3 x 27,6 um. ln order to verifY the infectivity ofL3 , from S. octona to the detinitive host, infection of a dog was undertaken by means of ingestion oftritured molluscs. On the 49 th day post-infection, L I was found in the feaces of the dog and at necropsy on the 84 th day post-infection adults worms were found in the lungs. KEY WORDS . Angiostrongy/us vasorUI11 , Subu/ina octona, intra-mollusc larvae evolutionEntre os helmintos que ocorrem no Brasil, observa-se Angiostrongylus vasorurn (Baillet, 1866) Kamensky, 1905, um nematóide que parasita artérias pulmonares e suas ramificações, ventrículo, átrio e aurícula direita de cães domésticos e carnívoros silvestres.