The Nut Grass Tuber (Cyperus rotundus L.) is a plant that is believed by the public to cure several diseases. According to a study conducted in vivo and in vitro, the extract the tuber root has many potentials such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, etc. This study aims to determine the polar bioactive compounds contained in the bulb tubers. The method used was the extraction of nut tuber dry powder using methanol as a solvent by maceration process and then analyzed using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to obtain information on the content of the tubers The results of GC-MS analysis from this study indicate that there are 177 possible components of the compound extracted using methanol. The results also showed that there were three possible polar bioactive compounds at the highest peak of the GC-MS analysis, namely 7-Isopropenyl-1,4a-dimethyl-4,4a, 5,6, 7,8-hexahydro-3H-naphthalen-2-one, 1 (2H) -Naphthalenone, 3,4,4a, 5,6,7-hexahydro-4a, 5-dimethyl-3- (1-methylethenyl) -, [3S- (3a, 4aa, 5a)] -, and 2 (1H) Naphthalenone, 3,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-4,8a-dimethyl-6- (1-methylethenyl) -.Keywords : Methanolic extract, nut grass tuber, Cyperus rotundus L., GC-MS ABSTRAKUmbi Rumput Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) merupakan tumbuhan yang dipercayai masyarakat dapat menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit. Menurut sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan secara in vivo maupun in vitro, kandungan ekstrak umbi rumput teki memiliki banyak potensi seperti antikanker, antiinflamasi, antibakteri, dll. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui senyawa-senyawa bioaktif polar yang terkandung pada umbi rumput teki. Metode yang digunakan yaitu ekstraksi serbuk kering umbi rumput teki menggunakan pelarut metanol dengan proses maserasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas – spektrometri massa (GC-MS) untuk mendapatkan informasi kandungan dalam umbi rumput teki. Hasil analisis GC-MS dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 177 kemungkinan komponen senyawa yang diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut methanol. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga kemungkinan senyawa bioaktif polar pada puncak tertinggi hasil analisis GC-MS, yaitu 7-Isopropenyl-1,4a-dimethyl-4,4a,5,6,7,8-hexahydro-3H-naphthalen-2-one, 1(2H)-Naphthalenone, 3,4,4a,5,6,7-hexahydro-4a,5-dimethyl-3-(1-methylethenyl)-, [3S-(3a,4aa,5a)]-, dan 2(1H)Naphthalenone, 3,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydro-4,8a-dimethyl-6-(1-methylethenyl)-. Kata kunci : Ekstrak metanol, umbi rumput teki, Cyperus rotundus L., GC-MS