We have obtained ' 0 nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectra of powder samples of YBa2Cu307and EuBa2Cu30& -, as well as magnetically ordered YBa2Cu307-". Two major features are observed in YBa2Cu307 -. 'a sharp resonance at =1800 ppm (from external H2' 0, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 8 scale) and a broader series of features centered at =400 ppm. The 1800-ppm feature undergoes a diamagnetic shift of =800 ppm on cooling to 77 K, and a similar magnitude shift on Eu substitution, suggesting assignment to the plane oxygens, O(2, 3). Measurements on magnetically ordered samples at 8.45 and 11. 7 T give the magnitude of the diagonal terms of the electric-field-gradient tensor, which are 2.3, 3.5, and 5.8 MHz. For the column oxygen, O(1), we find e q2g/h 7.7 MHz, with a chemical shift anisotropy of =660 ppm.All of the new high-T, superconducting oxides' are, in principle, excellent candidates for study using ' 0 nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. We show in this Rapid Communication that such studies are indeed possible, and by using magnetically aligned materials, ' we are able to investigate both chain and plane sites in ' 0-labeled YBa2Cu307 . We observe large changes in the ' 0 resonance frequency shifts (of the plane oxygens) upon formation of the superconducting state. Additionally, we have determined the nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (e qQ/h), electric-field-gradient tensor asymmetry parameters (rl), and chemical shift anisotropies (t5, 8) for selected oxygen sites. Given the ubiquitous nature of oxygen in high-T, superconductors, such atomic level probes of both magnetism and structure oN'er considerable hope for elucidating the details of superconductivity in these systems. Unlabeled YBa2Cu307 -, (and EuBa2Cu 307 -") was prepared from Y203(Eu203), BaCO3, and CuO (99.99%,