The Effect of Rapeseed Meal and Raw and Rafined Rapeseed Oils Added to the Broiler Chickens Rations in Different Levels. Swnmary: This investigation was made to jind out the eljects oj the difjerent amounts rif rapeseed meal instead oj soya meal and various amounts of raw rafined rapeseed oils added to the broiler ehieken ration on growth and! or feed eonsumption. In this investigation daily Hubbart ehickens as 30 ehiekens for first 7 groups and 20 ehickens for otheı 6 groups and totally 360 chiekens were us;;d. The jirst group was accepted as a eonttol group while others were compared with it. Deereasing the amount of soybean meal in the control group, S-IO-IS and S % rapeseed meal + 1 %fish emal, 10 % rapeseed meal + 2 %fish meal, i S % rapeseed meal + 3 % fish meal were added to the other groups rations. 2-4-6 % raw rapeseed oil to 8., 9., i o. groups ration and 2-4-6 % rafined rapeseed oil to i I., 12., 13. groups rations were added instead oj com in the control group. The investigations period was S6 day in 1-7 groups and S9 day in 1., 8.-13. groups. The chiekens were weighted every week. At the end, total live weights of 7 groups were Jound as 1760.0, i 78S. 0, i 88S .0, 17S6.o, 1933.0, 1938.0 and 1838.0 gr. This diJJerenees were not important according to the sta;'istical analysis (P > o. oS). In the 1., 8., 13. groups, totallive weights were I9IS.O, 217°.0, 23°4.0, 2126.0, 2299.0, 2200.0, 24°3.°respectively. And it was found that the results af 9., 11.,13. groups were higher than th~control groups (P < o.°S, P < o. oı).