Arsenic, a carcinogenic contaminant, has accumulated in the bottom sediments of lakes around the world due to a range of anthropogenic activities, such as mining, smelting, and the application of arsenic-containing pesticides (Gawel et al., 2014;Rice et al., 2002;Smedley & Kinniburgh, 2002). When arsenic is mobilized from sediments into overlying lake water, it can be taken up by primary producers (Barrett et al., 2018;Caumette et al., 2011) and move up the aquatic food web, including into organisms consumed by humans (Hull et al., 2021;Rahman et al., 2012). Both physical and biogeochemical lake processes control arsenic mobilization, transport, and concentration in lake water and thus control ecosystem and human exposure to arsenic. Recent findings show that conditions within shallow lakes, as opposed to deep lakes, facilitate rapid cycling of arsenic between the sediment and overlying lake water (Barrett et al., 2019), and enhance spatial overlap between oxygen-requiring biota and mobilized arsenic (Barrett et al., 2018;Hull et al., 2021).According to lake mixing classifications, most shallow lakes are polymictic, meaning they circulate perennially and only stratify for short periods (Hutchinson & Löffler, 1956;Lewis Jr., 1983). Based on this reasoning, the