Dedicated to Prof. Stephan Luckhaus on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
AbstractWe study the functional considered in [25,26,28] and a continuous version of it, analogous to the one considered in [30]. The functionals consist of a perimeter term and a nonlocal term which are in competition. For both the continuous and discrete problem, we show that the global minimizers are exact periodic stripes. One striking feature of the functionals is that the minimizers are invariant under a smaller group of symmetries than the functional itself. In the continuous setting, to our knowledge this is the first example of a model with local/nonlocal terms in competition such that the functional is invariant under permutation of coordinates and the minimizers display a pattern formation which is one-dimensional. Such behaviour for a smaller range of exponents in the discrete setting was already shown in [28].1) where J is a positive constant, p ≥ d + 2, y ∼ x if x and y are neighbouring points in the lattice, and χ E (x) := 1 if x ∈ E, 0 otherwise. * † arXiv:1702.07334v4 [math.AP] 5 Jun 2018 c (respectively J > J c ), then the global minimizers are trivial, namely either empty or the whole domain. The critical constants J dsc c and J c are (as proven in [25] for the discrete setting and in [30] for the continuous case) J dsc c := y 1 >0, (y 2 ,...,y d )∈Z d−1 y 1 (y 2 1 + · · · + y 2 d ) p/2 and J c :=ˆR d |ζ 1 |K 1 (ζ) dζ. (1.4)When J = J dsc c − τ (resp. J = J c − τ ) with 0 < τ ≤τ for someτ > 0 small enough, it has been conjectured that the minimizers should be periodic unions of stripes of optimal period. In order to define what we mean by unions of stripes, let us fix a canonical basis {e i } d i=1 . A union of stripes in the continuous setting is a [0, L) d -periodic set which is, up to Lebesgue null sets, of the form V ⊥ i +Êe i for some i ∈ {1, . . . , d}, where V ⊥ i is the (d − 1)-dimensional subspace orthogonal to e i andÊ ⊂ R withÊ ∩ [0, L) = ∪ N k=1 (s i , t i ). A union of stripes is periodic if ∃ h > 0, ν ∈ R s.t. E ∩ [0, L) = ∪ N k=0 (2kh + ν, (2k + 1)h + ν). In the following, we will also sometimes call unions of stripes simply stripes.