Introduction 1.1 The role of oral and dental in physical, psychic and social healthy Oral health is an important part of any individual health. Therefore preventing oral diseases are essential. Hygiene and prevention plays an important role in human health in many aspects (Jones et al, 1989). In fact trying to protect health is more valuable than recover it and early detection and treatment of gum disease can help and preserve teeth and smile for life. Millions of people don't know they have this serious infection that can lead to tooth loss if not treated (AAP, 2011) Some consequences of oral and teeth diseases are pain, anxiety and fear of the treatment, limitation in food alternative and fear of having unpleasant and disturbing appearance. Infection in the mouth can play havoc elsewhere in the body. For a long time it was thought that bacteria was the factor that linked periodontal disease to other infection in the body; however more recent research demonstrates that inflammation may link periodontal disease to other chronic condition. Research has shown, and experts agree that there is an association between periodontal disease and other chronic inflammatory condition such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease. (AAP, 2011). It is also a potential source of infection of parathyroid gland and respiratory system, heart attack, stroke and diabetes In this case, the tongue is affected and become thick and even sore, thus the person doesn't feel the taste of food as a result problems such as malnutrition happens (Dugas,1991). Every tooth in your mouth plays an important role in speaking, chewing and in maintaining proper alignment of other teeth. People with dentures or loose and missing teeth often have restricted diets since biting into fresh fruits and vegetables are often not only difficult, but also painful. This likely means they don't get proper nutrition. Gum and teeth have an important role in having a good appearance as well. A beautiful smile with well ordered teeth will make you much more beautiful. (AAP, 2011) Also teeth and gum protect facial muscles. Pulling each tooth disorders this situation and makes face ugly. The lack of teeth, especially the former teeth, increases wrinkles and changes appearance in an unpleasant way and speaking condition. Considering the importance of appearance in personality and body image, dental problems can lead to social and psychological consequences, so that individual connections with others are impaired. Gingivitis also leads to Halitosis (bad smell of the mouth) that disrupts social interaction. So prevention is serious from childhood. World Health Organization, called year 1994, "oral health for healthy life" and announced, having a healthy mouth and teeth, helps to health promotion, comfortable and self steam in any person.