1 40 c cymes axillary, slender, dichasial, 2-4 (or more) times ramified, usually pubescent, bracteate, bracts small; flowers white (or purple), calyx lobes narrowly oblong 1 -4(-5) mm long, blunt; corolla tube 1-1.5 cm long, lobes obovate, 5-8 mm long, style subequal with or exceeding tube, hooked, indusium hirsute, stigma somewhat flattened, slightly bilobed or emarginate; drupe oval or subglobose, white, or purplish on one side, flesh soft, tasteless, stone ellipsoid, ribbed, outer layer aerogenous or corky. This species is extremely variable. It exhibits great diversity in leaf size and shape (2-30 ± cm) (spatulate to obovate to orbicular), hairiness (glabrous to sericeous blades, slight to conspicuous white hair in axils); white to purple flowers, as well as great variations in habit and stature. 1135 (FU); top of hill N of Nimar, NNW of Colonia, 170 m, Fosberg 46540 (US, BISH, Fo);