To compare mean operative time and Intra operative blood loss between bipolar electro dissection and cold dissection tonsillectomy in paediatric population.
BACKGROUND: Salivary gland neoplasms make about 3 % of all Head & Neck tumours. Thesetumors are uncommon, accounting for 10 to 15% of all salivary gland neoplasms. Unfortunately themajority of such tumours are malignant. The study aims to give an account of the nature of these tumors.PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted in the departmentsof ENT Head & Neck Surgery of two main tertiary care hospitals of Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa i.e. PGMIHayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar and PGMI Govt lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from July2008 to June 2013. Data extracted from charts review of patients contained age, sex, geographicaldistribution, symptoms, histopathological diagnosis, and treatment. Patients presented to thesedepartments with lesions on the palate and who were managed there were included in the audit. Datathus obtained were analyzed using SPSS 16.RESULTS: A total of 46 patients including 19 male and 27 female presented with primary neoplasmsoriginating in the palatal minor salivary glands were enrolled in the audit. These included 11 benign and35 malignant lesions. Most of the patients were Pakistani (29) as compared to Afghani population (17).Patients ranged in age from the second to the eighth decades, with a female preponderance. The mostcommon malignant lesion was mucoepidermid carcinoma followed by adenoid cystic carcinomawhereas in benign category pleomorphic adenoma was more common tumor.CONCLUSION: The vast majority of neoplasms of the minor salivary glands in the palate aremalignant. These should be managed without delay with wide excision and subsequently subjected tohistopathology to arrive at a correct diagnosis..KEY WORDS: Minor salivary glands, neoplasms, palate, malignant, Benign.
Introduction: Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is now undoubtedlythe procedure of choice for surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis afterfailure of medical treatment. In order to present the formation of synechie nasal packing isperformed. Moreover, it also helps in supporting the process of wound healing and preventionof postoperative bleeding. Objectives: To determine the frequency of synechiae formation afterfunctional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in patients presenting with nasal polyps. StudyDesign: Descriptive case series. Setting: Department of Otorhinolaryngology at ServicesHospital Lahore. Period: Six months from 03-10-2013 to 02-04-2014. Methodology: A total of150 cases were included in this study. Patients were treated by functional endoscopic sinussurgery (FESS) and were followed at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week postoperatively forthe development of synechiae (as per operational definition). Results: The age of majority ofpatients was from 20 to 40 years and minimum patients were < 20 years old. Mean age of thepatients was 35.30±10.54 years. Male patients were 80 (53.3%) while female patients were 70(46.7%). Synechiae formation was observed in 28 patients (18.7%). Conclusion: Synechiaeformation was developed in 18.4% of the patients after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
Objectives: To compare mean operative time and Intra operative blood lossbetween bipolar electro dissection and cold dissection tonsillectomy in paediatric population.Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration: Department of ENT and Headand Neck Surgery, Continental Medical College, Hospital Lahore, from 1 January 2015 to 30September 2015. Materials and Methods: This study included 164 patients of age group 4 to12 years of either gender undergoing tonsillectomy. The patients were divided into two equalgroups designated as A and B each having 82 patients using simple random sampling. Patientsin group A were operated for tonsillectomy by bipolar electrocautry while group B underwenttonsillectomy by cold steel dissection method. All patients in both groups were assessed foroperating time and intra-operative blood loss. Results: Out of 82 cases of Bipolar DissectionGroup 49(60%) patients were male and 33(40%) patients were female. Whereas in 82 casesof Cold Dissection Group 51(62%) patients were male and 31(38%) patients were female.Mean age of patients was 7.2(SD ± 1.97) years. Mean operation time was 15 minutes withstandard deviation ± 1.21 in group A as compared to group B where mean operation time was20 minutes with standard deviation ± 1.87. Mean blood loss was 7 ml with standard deviation± 2.53 in patients of group A as compared to Patients in group B who mean blood loss of 30ml with standard deviation ± 3.46. Group A had statistically significant lower operative time andblood loss than group B. Conclusion: Tonsillectomy with bipolar electro dissection method ismuch better than cold steel dissection method. It has an advantage of less blood loss duringsurgery. It significantly reduces intra operative time.
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is now undoubtedly the procedure of choice for surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis after failure of medical treatment. In order to present the formation of synechie nasal packing is performed. Moreover, it also helps in supporting the process of wound healing and prevention of postoperative bleeding. Objectives: To determine the frequency of synechiae formation after functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in patients presenting with nasal polyps. Study Design: Descriptive case series. Setting: Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Services Hospital Lahore. Period: Six months from 03-10-2013 to 02-04-2014. Methodology: A total of 150 cases were included in this study. Patients were treated by functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and were followed at the end of 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th week postoperatively for the development of synechiae (as per operational definition). Results: The age of majority of patients was from 20 to 40 years and minimum patients were < 20 years old. Mean age of the patients was 35.30±10.54 years. Male patients were 80 (53.3%) while female patients were 70 (46.7%). Synechiae formation was observed in 28 patients (18.7%). Conclusion: Synechiae formation was developed in 18.4% of the patients after functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
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