Evaluation of phytochemical traits and their correlation studies were conducted with special reference to the quantitative characters of Monarda citriodora Cerv. ex Lag. A field experiment was carried out during two successive cropping seasons of 2014 and 2015 at Field Research Station, Chatha, CSIR -Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu to study the effect of four irrigation frequencies (irrigation at 30 (F 1 ), 20 (F 2 ), 15 (F 3 ) and 12 (F 4 ) days interval with four nitrogen levels, viz., N 0 (0), N 1 (40), N 2 (80) and N 3 (120) kg N ha -1 on quantitative characters and phytochemical traits in M. citriodora. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with 3 replications. Results showed that plant height, number of branches per plant -1 , leaf area index, dry matter partitioning (leaf g/plant) and (stem g/plant) were significantly higher with treatment F 3 over F 2 and F 1 , though remained at par with F 4 (12 days interval) during 2014 as well as 2015. F 1 treatment took significantly least number of days for initiation of primary and secondary branches, however, days taken to flowering at initiation, 50% and 75% was significantly least in F 4 treatment over other treatments. Thymol content was significantly higher with treatment F 2 over other treatments, while significantly highest carvacrol content was recorded with treatment F 3 , though it remained at par with F 2 treatment. Nitrogen level N 2 significantly increased plant height, number of branches per plant -1 and leaf area index, while in case of dry matter partitioning, N 2 and N 1 remaining at par recorded significantly higher dry matter partitioning over N 1 and N 0 . Thymol content was significantly higher with N 1 level, while as carvacrol content was recorded significantly higher with N 2 level when compared to other treatments during the two years of study. In case of irrigation frequencies, it was observed that with increase in the quantitative characteristics of M. citriodora, the phytochemical traits, viz., thymol and carvacrol contents also showed the increased trend and visa-versa, while in case of nitrogen treatments, the increase in the quantitative characteristics showed the decrease in phytochemical traits.