IntroductionResearchers have been looking for ways to improve human health in many aspects of life for many years.Healthy people can use all of their existential capacities to attain personal and social goals. However, the threatening factors always endanger human health and make the energetic and happy activities towards burnout and depression. They are moving forward (Hashemi, Savadkouhi, Naami, & Beshlideh, 2018). Since the first time, Fruidenbrg coined the term burnout; there has been extensive research into the significance and structure of this construct. At first, most research on burnout had of a qualitative nature. However, in recent decades, work on burnout has focused more on systematic empirical research involving the use of questionnaires, methodologies of surveying, and studies on different and larger populations (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001; Mosadeghrad, 2004). In recent years, the physical, psychological, emotional and economic consequences of burnout have continued to attract the attention of experts and researchers.In recent decades, the eagerness to pursue university and postgraduate education has sparked a wave of community competition to enter the universities, and one of the destinations welcomed by this huge flood of peo-Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of self-regulated learning and achievement goals in predicting academic burnout among 384 male and female students of Payam-e-Noor University of Shiraz in the 2018. The research method was correlational. Multi-stage random cluster sampling was used to select the sample. Finally, 204 female students and 180 male students were included in the study sample. Data collection was performed using the Pentrich and De Groot Self-regulated Learning Strategies Questionnaire, Middleton and Midgley Goal-Orientation Questionnaire, and Maslash Burnout Inventory. Structural Equation Modeling confirmed the good fit of the initial theoretical model with the data, and after modifying the model, excellent fit of the final model to the data was obtained. The results indicated self-regulated learning leads to students' motivational orientation and this can lead to long-term academic achievement and success or stress and burnout in students. In addition, the achievement goals have a critical role in predicting academic burnout because of its impact on the right or wrong approach of learning.