Out of 237 youths who participated in the SAND study at baseline, 16 declined to participate in MRI scanning, 3 exceeded MRI table weight limit, 1 reported a medical restriction, 7 had braces or other metal in body, 1 had a risk of pregnancy, and 2 were excluded for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. After these exclusions, of 207 youths who participated in MRI scanning, 5 did not finish scan, 6 had significant artifacts in structural anatomical MRI data, 5 was excluded for significant motion artifacts in the functional data, and 17 had accuracy below 70% on fMRI task. The final sample used for time-series extraction and subsequent analyses was 174. See Figure S1 for illustration.
MRI data acquisition and preprocessingMRIs were acquired using 3T GEDiscovery MR750 scanner with 8-channel head coil. Head padding and instructions limited movement. T1-weighted gradient echo images were first captured (TR=12ms, TE=5ms, TI=500ms, flip angle=15, FOV=26cm, slice thickness=1.44mm, 256x192 matrix, 110 slices). fMRI T2*-weighted blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) images were then captured using reverse spiral sequence (Glover & Law, 2001) of 40 contiguous axial 3mm slices (TR=2000ms, TE=30ms, flip angle=90, FOV=22cm, voxel size=3.44x3.44x3mm, ascending acquisition, parallel to AC-PC line). Anatomical images were skull-stripped (f=.25) using Brain Extraction Tool (BET) in FSL version 6.0 (Jenkinson et al., 2012) and segmented into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid using FSL FAST.After large temporal spikes in the k-space functional data (>2 SD) were removed, field maps