be considered for publication in CIM journals if filed in writing with the Technical Program Chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. The need for a new concept for surface control facilities that could be tailored to the unique requirements of each individual drill stem test has been recognized, met and extensively field prov ed. The new concept consisted of designing city, insisted upon from the beginning, has resulted in a versatile, dependable system, requiring a minimum of field maintenance and which has met the challenge of some of the world's harshest environments. INTRODUCTION A new concept in Formation Testing sur-unitized, modular components for this specific(face equipment has been designed, developed purpose. Each component was individually de-and field proven by three years experience. signed, materials of construction carefully Modular design of the equipment permits tail-selected and all machining and inspection done oring the surface equipment to fit the various in-house, for the highest possible degree of demands of each individual Formation Test. control. This input of quality, beginning at Meeting these specific requirements provides the design stage and carrying all the way the maximum in safety, convenience and reli-through final inspection, helps to assure the ability. well owner of the high degree of safety, re-liability and versatility demanded by ex-To meet the world wide demands, all com-treme conditions being encountered in off-ponents are available in either of two series. shore, Arctic, sour gas and extreme high The S-15 series is for standard service and pressure areas. As our energy search expands is rated at 15,000 psi working pressure and its horizons, more and more, we shall be en-20,000 psi test pressure. For sour gas ser-countering these severe conditions, sometimes vice, the SG-IO series is rated at 10,000 psi in combination. This paper describes the design, manu-facturing control and three years of world-wide field experience with this system. The high quality, combined with simpli-working pressure and 15,000 psi test. Ten-sile strength of both series is sufficient to pick up the weight of most strings of pipe and in the majority of applications exceeds the strength of the