fragment of i ''''|ls was inserted and the irregular jagged ankle-joint '"i""' "'"* withdrawn. There was good use of the 'l]". b ' '"' joint was also unrest riele,I in .vement. "'"' over i "l " tlliS '1"1'' 8een,ed lin"lv U,lit together and as Was a,, "I ' l"n'"'1' gap as the shaft above and below. There therefore I™*1 m0Dility-Somewhat more than three months compietp ' |l"''1 after hone-grafting before the unionwas •I' ,' ,. '' :"" "> that time the gap had been completely filled. Shows The"' Sl <' ,.' f:' ' i U" ncd shaft which was spindling and »trono i,'"' f 1. ,lM°P eration had now become particularly growth i""' ".' 1 1,s lower '''"Iapparently stimulated to overbo.-JJ? coupling of the two portions by means of the I ;,,|' l"|' ||' Yi"""' ' ""' " '" t,',, extent of three-fourths of an inch. account of ••t0 Si'y al l"'<'s''"t whether this is in part on li,,(..lllse ". '"Jaiy to the epiphyseal line of growth or entirely by u,,. "!.'"' "''lion ,,r the musolcs not wholly counteracted s"re '.I'li1»1' effect of the fibula. Thai considerable prèsextremit PU-"" ""' abula is sl",w" 1,y ""' fl"'t' that ""' "pl"'' tuberose "'"* f,"'<;'('<' ,0IIS(' f'""1 i,s .i""11" "" ,llr external where iti ""! """ occupies a higher position than normal, the reo S ''" 1""valllr' There is a backward curvature to control ed tibia' due' ' lln"U' t0 the Bame i"illlilii'v t0 ''"Wii niUSC,e action. There is still a small sinus leading till,,' • "ecrospd bone, which I believe will be absorbed in Past,. "I''"."lt ll"' necessity of further operation. Bismuth 's being injected regularly and there is no suppura I ion. lili n' , ,"'"''>' UP of a bone-flap from (he distal portion to k,",': "")' '" 'be tibia was only the application of the well-110 k-n '"'""''lll('s <'f the grafting of the soft tissues. I have