Sandstone: hard, pale, yellowish-orange, thick-bedded Chert: hard, light-gray, thick-bedded chert interbedded with medium-hard, pale yellowish-orange, thick-bedded chert Sandstone and chert: medium-hard, light-gray, thick-bedded sandstone containing some iaterbeds of hard, light-gray chert 31 Sandstone and chert: medium-hard, brownish-gray, thick-bedded sandstone interbedded with hard, light-gray, thick-bedded chert 14 Sandstone: medium-hard, yellowish-brown, thick-bedded sandstone interbedded with hard, brownish-gray sandstone 10 Chert: medium-hard, dusky yellowish-orange, to medium-brown, thick-bedded Mudstone: medium-hard, light-gray to yellowish-brown, thick-bedded Sandstone: hard, light-gray to yellowish-brown, thick-bedded; lowermost 0.75 foot phosphatic 19 12 Member D Mudstone: phosphatic, soft, brownish-black, thin-bedded 15 Mndstone: soft, brownish-black to black, fissile 150 2OO 250 3OO 25 Phosphate rock: oolitic, soft, dark-brown, thin-bedded 22 14 Phosphate rock and mods too*: oolitic, medium-hard, brownish-gray, phosphate rock, interbedded with medium-hard, brownish-gray mudstone 12 Member C Sandstone: soft, dusky yellowish-orange, thick-bedded 41 Sandstone and chert: medium-hard, light brownish-grsy, massive sandstone interbedded with hard, yellowish-gray, massive chert 45 Dolomite: sandy, medium-hard, medium-to light-gray; contains lenses and nodules of chert Sandstone: soft, dusky yellow, thin-bedded; contains many lenses and nodules of chert 35 Chert: hard, medium-grny to yellowish-brown, thick-bedded; contains some interbeds of mudstone and sandstone Member B Mud atone: medium-hard, medium yellowish-brown, thin-bedded; contains several small lenses of oolitic phosphate rode 14 Phosphate rock and mudstone: soft, brownish-gray, oolitic phosphate rock interbedded with soft, pale yellowish-brown mudstone 20 Mudstone: medium-hard, medium yellowish-brown, thin-bedded Member A Mudstone: dolomitic, soft, light-gray, thin-bedded 349 10 Dolomite: medium-hard, pale yellowish-orange, thin-bedded; contains some interbedded cherty mudstone Quadrant formation Sandstone: medium-hard, light-gray, thin-bedded Figure 1. Generalized section of Phosphoria formation at Sheep Creek, Montana