Absfmcl.A network theorem based on potential functions is used for the purpose of canceling the detriniental effect that the presence of parasitic linear elements has on procedures used for extracting the intrinsic-model paranletem of semiconductor devices.The method is based on the use of an auxiliary function: the difference between the content and the co-content functions of the device. The theorein \tales thai, for any arbiirarily connected network or linear and nonlinear branch elements, the sumniation of the difference functions of each of the branches is r.ero, and that this difference function is zero at any hranch reprcseiitcd by a linear i-v characteristic. In establishing this theorein we also show that: (a) the suninialion of the contenis, over all the branches, is 7ero; and (b) the suiiiinatioii of the co-conleiits, over all the branchcs, is 7ero. To illustrate the procedure the intrinsic model piniiietcrs of a rcil p-n junction are extracted using this idea.
I. PURPOSEParasitic series resistance slrongly influences the currrnt-voltage characteristics of sc miconductor devices, such as y-n junctions, MS diodes, short-channel MOSFETs, etc. There are many methods to estimate the series resistance and other device parameters for diodes and MOSFETs [1-31. Most of these metbods often rely on differentiating the experiiuetital current-voltagr characteristics. Recently, integration of the data has h e n proposed 14-61 because it BCIS as a low-pass filter, thus contribuiing to lessen the effects of possible nieasurements ermlli on the extraction procedure.For the purpose of extracting the n i d c l paranieters of the device, it would be convenient to use a function that, in addition to being easy lo cdculale froni the device's experimcnlally measured i-v characteristics, docs not depend on the parasitic series resistance. I n the frequent case when the device can be modeled hy a lionlinear eletuent in series or in parallel with a linear resistance, a possible such auxiliary function for isolating the device's non-linearity can be defined as the difference between two potential functions, the device's CONTENT and CO-CONTENT [7], as: 0-7803-2672-51 951 $4.00 0 1995 I= i V D( v,i) = s v di -si dv , 0 0where function D has units of power, the first and second terms are the device's content and the co-content, respectively, 11 and i are the device's 1eriiiinaI voltage and current, and it is assunied that Kirchhoff's laws are satisfird along the paih or integration. If the contrnt and co-content were added instead of subtracted, as in Eq. (I), we would recogni;le this sum as being the total power of the device (81. Function D. as given by Eq. (l), can also be considered as depicting a measure of the device's aniount of non-lineariiy, which would he zero for a linear element since such an cleiiient's content and COcontent are identical.
FOUNDATIONWe will show that, for an arbitrary one-port network, with any nuniber of two-tcralinal, continuous, monotonic, passive, nonlinear resistor branch elements, with the port ...