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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)X-ray structure of fac-IMn(CO)3(bpy) and electronic structures and transitions of the compexes fac-XMn(CO)3(bpy)(X= Cl, I) and mer-ClMn(CO)3(bpy) Stor, G.J.; Stufkens, D.J.; Vernooijs, P.; Baerends, E.J.; Fraanje, J.; Goubitz, K.
Published in: Inorganic Chemistry
DOI:10.1021/ic00110a042Link to publication
Citation for published version (APA):Stor, G. J., Stufkens, D. J., Vernooijs, P., Baerends, E. J., Fraanje, J., & Goubitz, K. (1995). X-ray structure of fac-IMn(CO)3(bpy) and electronic structures and transitions of the compexes fac-XMn(CO)3(bpy)(X= Cl, I) and mer-ClMn(CO)3(bpy). Inorganic Chemistry, 34, 1588-1594. DOI: 10.1021/ic00110a042
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