Academy of Sciences, 117810, Moscow, Profsoyusnaya St. 84/32); Korolev city, Moscow Region, Pionerskaja St. 4);Oulu, Finland) CT The authors of the paper propose the new principle solution of task on the automatic installation of loads during the assembly work with the help of helicopter. For this purpose, it was developed an original method and a special device -so-called universal platform that is fixed dlrectly to a load and operates in complex with the helicopter.The platform's on-board computer uses a specially developed adaptive algorithm of control with "model". This algoritlun can provide a completely automatic correction of load and helicopter motion, in order to realize a smooth, highly accurate matching of the assembly points of the load and the support.In the paper it is described the platform control algorithm. It is also given a description of platform's construction and the main principles of its operating. It was shown that the platform with corresponding algorithm of control is a universal device and can operate on the Earth with any kind of lifting mechanism. Besides, the time of load assembly considerably reduces, the whole process of installation becomes more simple and universal and does not requires a high experience of operator or pilot during the work. In Space, the platform may provide a high accuracy in the assembling of the complicated spatial construction at the orbital stations. As well, it may be used as a self-guided system in the process of approaching and docking of the spacecraft.At present time, a considerable part of all assembly works is realized with the help of helicopter. Well known that it is a sufficiently complicated procedure, takes up a long time and can be executes only by a high-skilled pilot.From technical point of view, all the dlfficulties of load installation process are obvious. The system "helicopter -load on the rope" is a double oscillator, performs a complicated spatial motions. The pilot practically has no mathematical means for the exact calculation of load's dynamic characteristics and can provide the control only on the base of his own experience. From the other hand, the additional difficulty is that the load control can be realized only by means of the helicopter via the rope. Therefore, a successful load installation is strongly depends on the pilot professional skill. In order to eliminate the difficulties the authors of the paper developed a so-called universal platform for the automatic installation of loads during construction and assembly work. The platform is an autonomous, relatively small technical device, fixed directly to a load. It operates with any lifting mechanism (crane, helicopter, balloon, airship), and provides a high degree of accuracy in load installation.Proposed device forms a single structure and consists of 'following blocks:-four low-thrust pulsing jet engmes connected to a placed on the piatform reservoir with compressed air by pneumatic lines. Engine is the electromagnetic valve and the thrust is produced by compressed ai...