G-operators, a class of differential operators containing the differential operators of minimal order annihilating Siegel's G-functions, satisfy a condition of moderate growth called Galochkin condition, encoded by a p-adic quantity, the size. Previous works of Chudnovsky, André and Dwork have provided inequalities between the size of a Goperator and certain computable constants depending among others on its solutions. First, we recall André's idea to attach a notion of size to differential modules and detail his results on the behavior of the size relatively to the standard algebraic operations on the modules. This is the corner stone to prove a quantitative version of André's generalization of Chudnovsky's Theorem: for f (z) = α,k, c α,k, z α log(z) k f α,k, (z), where f α,k, (z) are G-functions, we can determine an upper bound on the size of the minimal operator L over Q(z) of f (z) in terms of quantities depending on the f α,k, (z) and the rationals α. We give two applications of this result: we estimate the size of a product of two G-operators in function of the size of each operator; we also compute a constant appearing in a Diophantine problem encountered by the author.
Remarks and notations• In this paper, we will call "minimal operator of f over Q(z)", or "minimal operator" where there is no possible ambuigity, any nonzero operator L ∈ Q(z) [d/dz] such that L( f (z)) = 0, and whose order is minimal for f .• For u 1 , . . . , u n ∈ Q, we denote by d (u 1 , . . . , u n ) the denominator of u 1 , . . . , u n , that is to say the smallest d ∈ N * such that d u 1 , . . . , d u n are algebraic integers.• If K is a subfield of Q, we denote by O K the set of algebraic integers of K.