Cloud computing provides universal access to a pool of shared resources to numerous stakeholders/shareholders of the e-healthcare industry. The speedy adoption of cloud computing has inevitably raised security concerns for the outsourced data. Since mobile devices are resource constrained, the security solutions must discharge the computing comprehensive operations on the cloud for implementation. Conventionally, any modification to uploaded record would compel the mobile client to encrypt and compute the hash value from scratch. Through this paper, we intend to propose a pairing-free incremental proxy re-encryption scheme, without certificates, which would run proportionate to the number of modifications in time, instead of the document length for improvement in the file modification tasks. The proposed scheme shows a significant improvement in the file modification system regarding the energy consumption and the turnaround timer taken. The proposed scheme has been verified through a formal method using Z 3 solver.
KEYWORDScloud computing, e-healthcare, incremental cryptography, mobile Cloud, proxy re-encryption, security
INTRODUCTIONThe life-saving efforts in the eleventh hour have often fallen hard back even with advancements in the health care industry and medical services.One of the reasons for such situation is the unavailability of the patient's records that are generally stacked in the piles of paperwork. Firstly, these records are highly ambiguous with multiple gaps in information. Secondly, these records are generally scattered at several heath care centers through the region with different physicians, pharmacies, and hospitals. A number of information systems that contribute to the development of a more complete electronic health record (EHR) are being implemented by the hospitals nowadays to address these problems. Information regarding the patient's health care can be accessed instantly with the help of the electronic systems. An EHR is a centralized source storing medical and treatment history of patients' health information. These valuable patient-centered records can be accessed easily by all the approved healthcare providers (laboratories, specialists, pharmacists, etc).E-health applications generate a lot of data that become difficult for the health care units to store on a single computer because of catastrophic failures. Cloud services thus provide techniques for outsourcing the restrictive expensive computations and data in a secure manner, and this is prevalent in the research community. 1-6 Muhameed et al 7 proposed a ubiquitous health care framework (UbeHealth) encompassing edge computing, Internet of things (IoT), high-performance computing to address the challenges including network latency, deep learning, reliability, big data, bandwidth requirement, rising costs, etc, for satisfying next-generation health care needs.The clients owning resource-constraint mobiles can outsource the heavy computations and massive data onto the suspicious cloud servers and benefit from the unlimited comput...