An introduction to the dynamics of an electrostatically charged spacecraft in two-and three-body regimes is presented, with particular attention to a promising application at Enceladus. Equilibrium solutions to the equations of motion are found, and the stability of the orbits assessed. The perturbative Lorentz force, produced by interaction of the spacecraft with a planetary magnetic field, creates trajectories that are not possible with Newtonian gravity alone. A heuristic, analytical control law with single-variable scalar feedback allows a charged spacecraft to remain near the collinear Lagrange points on either side of Enceladus. The mission feasibility depends on the charge requirement, which is primarily affected by the navigational accuracy. For example, an insertion error into the cis-Enceladus Lagrange point of 10 km in position and 1 m=s in velocity requires a specific charge of approximately 0:05 C=kg. Other significant gravitating bodies in the Saturnian system do not have a substantive effect on the charge requirements or on the stability. Given a sufficiently accurate insertion, a charged spacecraft could maintain station near Enceladus without propellant.
A= magnetic vector potential, T km A = tether cross-sectional area, mm 2 a = acceleration vector at Enceladus, m=s 2 a = acceleration at Enceladus, m=s 2 B = magnetic field vector, T B 0 = magnetic moment, T km 3 E = planetary electric field vector, km=s 2 C F g = specific gravitational force vector, km=s 2 F L = specific Lorentz force vector, km=s 2 I = tether current vector, C=s I = tether current, C=s L = Lagrangian, km 2 =s 2 l = length of tether, km M = generalized specific angular momentum, km 2 =s m tot = total mass of tether spacecraft, kg P = tether power, W q = specific charge, C=kg R = radius of reference circular orbit, km r = position vector, km r = radial unit vector r = radial coordinate, km r E = orbital radius of Enceladus, km U eff = effective potential, km 2 =s 2 u k = roots of the effective potential (k 1, 2, 3), km 1 V = tether voltage, V v = inertial velocity, km=s v rel = velocity relative to magnetic field, km=s Z = resistance of tether ribbon, = tuning parameter of control law v i = perturbation of velocity in the i-coordinate direction, km=ŝ = polar unit vector = polar coordinate, rad = gravitational parameter, km 3 =s 2 E = gravitational parameter of Enceladus, km 3 =s 2 S = gravitational parameter of Saturn, km 3 =s 2 = azimuthal unit vector = azimuthal coordinate, rad = resistivity of tether material, m = orbital angular velocity of Enceladus, rad=s ! = planetary rotational angular velocity, rad=s ! S = rotational angular velocity of Saturn, rad=s