In this first part of the following review of the Plio-Pleistocenic taxa of the family Tellinidae Blainville, 1814 from southern Europe we illustrate and discuss 15 species, of which 5 are described for the first time, plus 3 subspecies, one of which is new for the science: For the genus Leporimetis Iredale, 1930: Leporimetis papyracea (Gmelin, 1791); for the genus Arcopagia T. Brown, 1827: Arcopagia corbis (Bronn, 1831), Arcopagia esteponensis n. sp. from the Spanish Early/Middle Pliocene, Arcopagia ligustica n. sp. from the Ligurian Early Pliocene, Arcopagia plioitalica (Sacco, 1901), Arcopagia sedgwicii (Michelotti, 1839), Arcopagia telata (Michelotti, 1839, Bonelli m.s.), Arcopagia villaverniensis Sacco, 1901; for the genus Arcopella Thiele, 1934: Arcopella balaustina balaustina (Linnaeus, 1758); Arcopella balaustina tenuilamellosa (Nyst & Westendorp, 1839) boreal host of the Calabrian from southern Italy; Arcopella crestii n. sp. from the Tuscan Late Pliocene; Arcopella pseudomista n. sp. from the Tuscan Early Pliocene; for the genus Gastrana Schumacher, 1817: Gastrana fragilis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758, Gastrana fragilis ovatella (Sacco, 1901), Gastrana fragilis elegans n. ssp. from the Tuscan Early Pliocene, Gastrana laminosa (J. Sowerby, 1827); for the genus Macoma Leach, 1819: Macoma obliqua (J. Sowerby, 1817), for the genus Psammotreta Dall, 1900: Psammotreta santacatalinae n. sp. from the Spanish Early Pliocene.