JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. This content downloaded from on Thu, 31 Dec 2015 17:42:16 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and ConditionsReviews of Books Reviews of Books difficult the task is, and how easy it is to commit mistakes regarding the intricate minutiae of the ceremonial." This is certainly true, and therefore it is probable that, in spite of the efforts of the editors of the~rautakosa, some errors will be found in their interpretation of the ritual texts. On the other hand, the subject of the Srautakosa is of so great extent and so manifold that completeness seems almost impossible. But, after examining the two sections of the first volume of the ~rautakosa, I am convinced that, when the other volumes will be published, with the same care and accuracy, this Encyclopaedia will constitute the most important work we shall have in the field of Vedic ritual, and that this work will be indispensable not only for the study of the details of Vedic ritual and Vedic religion, but also for the study of the many problems of the history of Vedic literature in general. Therefore all students of Sanskrit literature and ancient Indian culture ought to be very grateful to the editors of difficult the task is, and how easy it is to commit mistakes regarding the intricate minutiae of the ceremonial." This is certainly true, and therefore it is probable that, in spite of the efforts of the editors of the~rautakosa, some errors will be found in their interpretation of the ritual texts. On the other hand, the subject of the Srautakosa is of so great extent and so manifold that completeness seems almost impossible. But, after examining the two sections of the first volume of the ~rautakosa, I am convinced that, when the other volumes will be published, with the same care and accuracy, this Encyclopaedia will constitute the most important work we shall have in the field of Vedic ritual, and that this work will be indispensable not only for the study of the details of Vedic ritual and Vedic religion, but also for the study of the many problems of the history of Vedic literature in general. Therefore all students of Sanskrit literature and ancient Indian culture ought to be very grateful to the editors of Un Editto Bilingue Greco-Aramaico di Asokca. Testo, traduzione e note a cura di G. PUGLIESE CARRATELLI e di G. LEVI DELLA VIDA, con prefazione di G. Tucci e introduzione di U. SCEaRATO. (Serie Orientale Roma XXI). Pp. vii + 34. Rome: ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO E ESTREMO ORIENTE, 1958.