The three enzymes of the D-tagatose 6-phosphate pathway (galactose 6-phosphate isomerase, D-tagatose 6-phosphate kinase, and tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase) were absent in lactose-negative (Lac-) derivatives of Streptococcus lactis Clo, H1, and 133 grown on galactose. The lactose phosphoenolpyruvatedependent phosphotransferase system and phospho-p-galactosidase activities were also absent in Lac-derivatives of strains H1 and 133 and were low (possibly absent) in C1o Lac-. In all three Lac-derivatives, low galactose phosphotransferase system activity was found. On galactose, Lac-derivatives grew more slowly (presumably using the Leloir pathway) than the wild-type strains and accumulated high intracellular concentrations of galactose 6-phosphate (up to 49 mM); no intracellular tagatose 1,6-diphosphate was detected. The data suggest that the Lac phenotype is plasmid linked in the three strains studied, with the evidence being more substantial for strain H1. A Lac' derivative of H1 contained a single plasmid (33 megadaltons) which was absent from the Lacmutant. We suggest that the genes linked to the lactose plasmid in S. lactis are more numerous than previously envisaged, coding for all of the enzymes involved in lactose metabolism from initial transport to the formation of triose phosphates via the D-tagatose 6phosphate pathway.Lactic streptococci (Streptococcus cremoris and S. lactis) transport lactose via a phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) (26, 37). The lactose phosphate formed is hydrolyzed by phospho-f3galactosidase (16), giving D-glucose and D-galactose 6-phosphate (Gal-6P) (37). The latter intermediate is further metabolized to triose phosphates by the three enzymes (see Fig. 2) of the D-tagatose 6-phosphate (Tag-6P) pathway(3).In Staphylococcus aureus, the Tag-6P pathway is required for utilization of galactose as well as lactose (4). Lactic streptococci, however, have the enzymatic potential to metabolize galactose via two initially separate routes, namely, the Tag-6P pathway and the galactose 1phosphate (Gal-1P) pathway (Leloir pathway) (3). Either one or both pathways appear to operate, depending on the strain and the exogenous galactose concentration (36). With most S. lactis and S. cremoris strains, galactose fermentation is heterolactic (36) whereas lactose fermentation is homolactic (33).The instability of lactose metabolism in lactic streptococci was noted by earlier workers (14, 15, 40), and the frequency of lactose-negative (Lac-) variants was increased by curing agents (24,25,27). Subsequent work (for a review, see reference 10) has supported the early suggestion (25) that lactose metabolism is plasmid linked. The lactose-PTS and phospho-,B-galactosidase have been associated with the lactose plasmid in strains of S. lactis and S. cremoris (1,20,21,26,32), and the lactose plasmid influences the metabolism of galactose by S. lactis (21). However, the three enzymes involved in the metabolism of Gal-6P (see Fig. 2) have not been assayed in Lac-variants. A deficie...